The construction of Vidraru Dam began in 1965 and was completed in a record time of only 5 years, being inaugurated on December 9, 1966. The dam is anchored within the Pleasa and Vidraru mountains and is traversed by 9 horizontal galleries.
The dam has a height of 166.60 meters, and the length of the crest is 307 meters. The thickness of the dam at the base is 25 meters, and at the crest, it is 6 meters. It was the first double-curve dam built in Romania.
Access to the body of Vidraru Dam is made through arched bridges located a few kilometers downstream. For its construction, 480,000 cubic meters of non-reinforced, impermeable concrete were needed, and it is said that over 80 people lost their lives during its construction.
To fill Lake Vidraru, the rivers Topolog, Valea lui Stan, Limpedea, Valsan, and Raul Doamnei were diverted, and over 42 km of underground galleries were excavated.
Lake Vidraru, under optimal conditions, has an area of 870 hectares and contains 465 million cubic meters of water.
And the history in pictures:
According to the book “Hidrocentrala si Barajul Vidraru 50,” authored by Paul Gheorghiescu and Alexandru Gheorghiescu, the figures that reveal the tremendous effort made to accomplish this work are as follows:
Field studies and research for project development:
- 6500 meters of drilling,
- 280 meters of large-diameter wells,
- 1600 meters of research galleries,
Site organization works:
- 14 labor colonies with a peak capacity of accommodating 8500 people,
- 12 canteens,
- 2 commercial complexes – Corbeni and Capataneni,
- 40 km of local roads for access to the work area,
- 5 km of permanently modernized road – Capataneni – dam,
- 6 km of temporary access roads for the site,
- 14 high-capacity compressor stations,
- 10 concrete stations,
- 6 mining extraction plants,
- 15 repair workshops,
- a concrete factory with a capacity of 2000 cubic meters/day,
- 3 gravel quarries, including the one at Rotunda with a capacity of 2000 cubic meters/day.