AREFU – Arges
From Antonesti, Via Valahia heads north, along the Arges River, for about 2 km, and then crosses the Transfagarasan, continuing along Valea Larga to reach Arefu.
The village of Aref has a history of over 600 years, but it is documented since 1558 by Voivode Mircea Ciobanul, who, through a princely act, confirms the ownership of the village and its boundaries by the people of Aref: “because it is their ancient and rightful homeland, since the days of the late Voivode Dan (1420-1427) and Voivode Vlad the Impaler, but the villages of Chelanii and Capatanenii overran them, with the force of Radu from Golesti.”
Arefu has always been a village of free peasants who inherited from their ancestors the right of ownership over the 16 mountains in the surroundings. Although it is not known to which ruler this property is owed, the 16 mountains owned by the people of Aref are: Buda, Capra, Ciocanul, Clăbucetul, Comarnicile, Jorzea, Lipitoarea, Mircea, Mușăteica, Năneasa, Orzănelele, Paltinul, Piscul Negru, Podul Giurgiului, Râiosul, and Robița.
The right of ownership was directly recognized by the rulers of Wallachia, and the history of Aref records numerous trials through which the local inhabitants defended their property.
For instance,
In 1775, Voivode Alexandru Ipsilante, judging one of the lessees of a mountain in Aref, Iordache Căpitanul, declared him guilty of greed, cunning, deceit, and dishonoring the people of Aref, and punished him with a princely beating.
Between 1834 – 1835, the free peasants of Aref had a lawsuit at the High Divan with boyar Constantin Filipescu, brother-in-law of Voivode Caragea, and in 1879, the people of Aref had a trial against his heirs at the Ilfov Tribunal.
More stories about Arefu can be found on
It is inconceivable that, as a tourist, you would not admire and visit Casa Stephanescu, Poenari Fortress, Valea lui Stan, Vidraru Dam, or the statue of Prometheus.